My Story

Hi I’m Emma, Energy Therapist, Self Healer and Creative based in East London

I have a Diploma in Energy Therapy from the NAOS Institute along with a Diploma in Counselling.

Along side my formal education I partake in workshops and self study across many healing modalities which I have used to heal myself from from Trigeminal Neuralgia, Chronic Fatigue and numerous other complaints and symptoms. These practises include Somatic Movement, Nervous System Regulation, Brain Retraining, Emotional Freedom Technique, Sound medicine, Breathwork, Medical Medium detox protocols and more.

Fieldwork’s therapeutic approach was born from the experiences of my own healing journey when faced with an unexpected health crisis.

For a long time I burned the candle at both ends, working hard in demanding jobs in the fashion industry under incredible pressure. I was running on adrenaline, fuelled by stress, caffeine and the creative need for perfectionism. My stress levels were maxed out, I used partying as my way to destress and find balance, never for once thinking of the toll it could be taking on my body. As long as I looked good on the outside, what was going on inside didn’t even cross my mind.

Over time I developed digestive issues, food intolerances and skin problems. Then came the back pain, hip pain, freezing cold hands and feet, constant tiredness and catching every bug going. My weight fluctuated up and down. The chatter in my head of low self esteem and how useless my body was boomed. I was burnt out and running on empty for a long time. I kept pushing through but inside my anxiety continued to rise. I fell pregnant after a long period of trying and was finally blessed with a beautiful baby. I was excited. Maternity leave was going to give me the time and space my head and body desperately needed, but in truth I found myself tested more than ever before.

My body felt broken after the birth.

It was a long slow process trying to recover and after months without sleep my energy reserves were gone. A year and a half in, my child’s constant tears and tantrums had my nerves fried.

I turned to the latest biohacking trends to rebuild my energy. Keto diet, bullet proof coffee, intermittent fasting, cold showers, collagen powder, red light therapy, exogenous ketones, weight training and a bunch of supplements. You name it, I was trying it. I was trimming down and toning up but most importantly I felt a little energy returning. I was looking for a new direction and a new state of mind and decided to enrol on an Energy Therapy Diploma. (I’ve had a couple of profound experiences with energy work through my life and credit a dear friend and practitioner with helping me finally get pregnant.)

I felt like I was finally getting on track but it wasn’t to last.

nagging pain began to build in my jaw. Over a couple of months I had numerous dentist and doctor appointments but the x-rays came up clear time and time again. Pain medication, antibiotics, nothing seemed to help and the nagging pain slowly grew until one awful night. Lying in bed trying to sleep my face suddenly exploded with the most horrific unbearable pain. I was terrified, in agony, not knowing what was happening to me. My thoughts went to the worst possible places.

In hindsight I see now that I had just pushed my stress in a new direction and my system finally snapped.

I was hospitalised and later diagnosed with a chronic facial pain condition with no cure and no real understanding of what causes it. I was told not to pick up or play with my little one anymore as any touch to my face could set off a pain attack. The pain attacks could come at anytime and were completely debilitatiing. This couldn’t be my life! A life long condition where long term pain management was my only option. I was frightened and couldn’t visualise this new future of pain that lay before me. I was put on strong epilepsy medication to deaden down the nerves in my face. I became zombie like, no energy, spinning out, living in fear of the pain, unable to get up off the sofa day after day.

But I was one of the lucky ones! You see, I have an open mind and I’m stubborn. I’d been working with a wonderful therapist and healer ahead of my Energy Diploma. Already learning of the incredible potential the human body has to heal outside of the traditional western medical system. I immediately began having weekly energy healings. If my doctors didn’t have the answer maybe someone else did.

My therapist introduced me to the work of Anthony William, Medical Medium. I learned the importance of nutrition and detoxification in healing chronic conditions, and how toxins and heavy metals must be purged from the body in order for health to be restored. I began to detox my body, juicing and using a plant-based, high fruit, raw food diet with supplementation.

I saw shifts, after a few months I could sense that the pain was subsiding and started to ween off the medications. I felt relief and empowered but the constant detox was brutal and I was still largely immobile, drained of any energy.

I dug deeper, I followed the work of Barbra Brennan founder of Brennan Healing science, learning more about our subtle energy field and the mind body connection. I was able to begin my Energy Therapy diploma going even deeper, learning the energetic practises along with the neuroscience and polyvagal theory connections. I was so excited about everything I was learning but was unable to really practise these skills for very long as my own energy reserves were still so low.

I came across the works of Dr Joe Dispenza and enrolled on one of his courses, utilising his daily meditations and brain rewiring techniques.

I followed Dr Bruce Lipton and his work on Epigenetics, understanding the power of thought as an environment creator and its capacity to transform cell health.

I learnt how frequency can work on a cellular level raising the vibration of a cell to health and tried numerous sound medicine techniques.

My health improved, I was pain free. I eased off some of the protocols.

I’d have days where I would feel like me again, but I would still have huge crashes if I tried to exert myself. A few hours with friends could be followed by two days of exhaustion on the sofa. I slept constantly during the day.

I realised I was still missing something. Although I’d learnt the importance of regulating the nervous system, I wasn’t putting it into practise enough. The stress of motherhood, the illness, trying to figure out how to work while feeling this way and the history of me was still taking its toll. My nervous system was still on fire, I needed to release my trauma and tend to my nervous system . I started utilising breath techniques, somatic movement, EFT and meditation more regularly, building daily routines but this time with a more gentle and slow approach.

I started to feel my energy build, no more sleeping during the day or lying on the sofa.  Eventually I had enough energy to be able to hold space for myself and others, I began practising all I’d learnt as an Energy Therapist. The energy I became able to channel felt powerful and intense. I started seeing more clients and was blown away by the shifts I was seeing in them. 

When I look back now I see what a gift I was given through my illness. I developed not only the skills of an Energy Therapist but I gained a fuller understanding of how the human body can heal through my own lived experience. FIELDWORK was created as a response to this. Knowing that when a mixed modality approach is utilised ,covering the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects - wonderful things can happen. Although it was a tough journey, I have gained so much insight and understanding, not only into myself but also how to support others.

Energy Work is truly profound but I also want you to have the tools to reclaim autonomy over your own well-being. When Energy Therapy is coupled with these other healing modalities you can become armed and empowered to take back your health.

Our abilities are AWESOME!

How It Works